Atari 2600 Video Remix

The Atari 2600 Video Remix is a series of artwork made by video remix, sound art and live coding. The series started in 2019 and it has until now (December 2022) 2 seasons, each season has 3 episodes and it is dedicated to one city, each episode is based in one Atari 2600 game and it is composed by:

  1. Video + sound samples of the game
  2. Historical pictures and/or videos of the city

Each episodes has about 1 minute and 40 seconds and the sounds are produced by live coding using Tidal Cycles.


Selected at ICLC 2023 in the Video Gallery - ICLC 2023 Catalogue.

Selected at Fubar expo 2k23 in the Fubar 2k23 WEB expo - VID category.

Following bellow are the videos for each espisode.

[S1] Season 1 - Brasília city

Brasília city during its construction and the first years of the city at yeas 50's and 60's, remixed with the games Pitfall!, Enduro and River Raid.

[S1E1] Episode 1 - brasilia-pitfall

Pitfall! was released by Activision at 1982, it is considered one of the greatest video games ever made and one of the best-selling games on the Atari 2600.

The images used in this episode are part of the public national archive and refers to the construction of Brasília between the years 1956 and 1960.

[S1E2] Episode 2 - brasilia-enduro

Enduro was released by Activision in 1983 and it was one of the latest Atari 2600 success before the crisis of electronic industry between the years of 1983 and 1984.

The video used in this episode is a rare recording of the automobilism competition "1000 KM DE BRASÍLIA" from 1962 at Brasília city, considered one the most traditional competition at the time.

[S1E3] Episode 3 - brasilia-riverraid

River Raid was published by Activision in 1982 , it is considered a classic and one of the most popular games of its time, the game was a best-seller and had one million of copies.

The pictures used in this episode are from the construction of the city from a aerial view of iconic places between the decades of 50 and 60, most of the images are from the Arquivo Público do DF.

[S2] Season 2: Salvador city

Salvador in the first photograph registries including turistic places like Antigo Convento das Mercês at 1862, Elevador Lacerda at 1875, Corredor da Vitória at 1925 ant the Porto da Barra at 1930, among others. The games remixed are Keystone Kapers, Pac-Man and MegaMania.

[S2E1] Episode 1 - salvador-keystonekapers

Keystone Kapers was developed by Activision and published in 1983. Inspired by Mack Sennett's slapstick Keystone Cops series of silent films, in Brazil it was one of the most famous Atari 2600 game and was popular knowed as the game of "Polícia e Ladrão" (Policy and Thief).

Pictures from the project "Guia Geográfico - Salvador Antiga".

[S2E2] Espisode 2 - salvador-megamania

Megamania was published by Activision in 1982 and it is one of the most popular shooter games for Atari 2600.

Pictures from the project "Guia Geográfico - Salvador Antiga".

[S2E3] Episode 3 - salvador-pacman

Pac-Man is a 1982 maze video game developed and published by Atari, Inc. under official license by Namco, and an adaptation of the 1980 hit arcade game of the same name. It stands as the best-selling Atari 2600 game of all time, selling over 8 million copies.

The videos used in this episode are recording from the carnival of Salvador city from the year of 1974.

Links and references

  1. Atari 2600 Vídeo Remix page in Brazillian portuguese
  2. Source code


by Joenio Marques da Costa licensed under GNU GPLv3 or superior.

art direction Mari Moura